domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Fixing things up!

Fixing things up!

Dear students,

It's time to stop and review the quality
 of your writing. 

In today's lab session:

1.  You'll work on punctuation and types of sentences. 
2. To finish, you'll review some aspects of giving opinion.

Checking punctuation

As well as spelling correctly, you are expected to use correct punctuation. 

You must use capital letters in the 
correct places and use punctuation 
marks such as periods, commas, 
and question marks correctly. It is 
also  important to indent each sentence in
                                                case you decide to use indentation.
                                                Remember to be consistent.

This is done at the beginning of each paragraph.
Capital letters
These are used at the beginning of each sentence and for proper nouns.
Period, question mark, exclamation point
One of these is always used at the end of a sentence.
In a list of three or more things.

i.e. Home-cooked food is nutritious, tasty, and inexpensive.

To separate transition words from the rest of the sentence.
i.e. Additionally, physical education teaches children important skills such as teamwork.

Between two independent clauses.
i.e. Art and music classes are important, but academic classes are taken as even more important at school.

To separate a non-restrictive* clause
i.e. Maple syrup, which is made from the sap of the sugar maple tree, is an expensive treat.

After a subordinate clause at the beginning of a sentence.
i.e. If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have lost the watch.

*non-restrictive clauses give additional information about a noun phrase. This extra information is not obligatory in the sentence.

Time for Practice 1!

Go to:

Sentence Types

Using variety in your sentences keeps your writing lively and interesting. 
It also shows the range of your writing ability. One way you can vary 
your sentences is by using a variety of sentence types. There are four 
types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.

Simple sentence
A simple sentence has one subject and one verb.
i.e. Television offers a variety of programs.

Compound sentence

A compound sentence has two or more simple sentences linked by the conjunctions andor, and but.
i.e. Some people are not bothered by violent TV programs, but others avoid them.

Complex sentence

A complex sentence is made up of a simple sentence (an independent clause) and one or more subordinate clauses.
i.e. If we don’t like a particular TV program, we can easily change the channel.

Compound-complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence has two or more simple sentences and one or more subordinate clauses.
i.e. While many people avoid watching violent TV programs, others don’t mind them and they watch them frequently.

             Time for Practice 2!                     

Now, go to:

Stating your opinion

The introduction to your piece of writing should tell the reader what your
 opinion is. There is no right or wrong opinion. Whatever your opinion is, 
the reader will look to see how you express it. You can use certain set 
phrases, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to express your opinion.

Set phrases
In my opinion
From my point of view
In my view
To my way of thinking
To my mind
It seems to me that
To me
It is my opinion that


  1. It seems to me that we haven't had many assignments in English this term.
  2. I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up.
  3. I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of imagination
  4. I will make sure that I definitely pass my exams and show everyone that  I can do it.
  5. You've probably promised yourself to get off the couch and get some exercise

Task 7

There are many webpages aiming at discussing about literature. Read the extracts below about Jackson´s The Possibility of Evil:

It is [a] very obvious [story] and does not catch my attention very much. Although it was quite comical at the ending when she receives the letter back.

This is a good little story that teaches us to treat others well and that if we don't, karma may not be far behind.

- [This story] shows you what this world truly is and how some people have the face of evil hidden behind the face of a sweet woman/man.

Choose one of the opinions above and write two solid paragraphs supporting your opinion and beliefs. Write the assignment using a wide variety of sentences and check your punctuation before submitting your file.

And now, just enjoy the following song: As you see OPINIONS are everywhere.


domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Mystery Story

Hello students,

Today's lab session will be about writing mystery stories. Please read the following information before getting started.

But ...

What is mystery?

Why do people like it?

"What people enjoy about a mystery is the intellectual challenge. A mystery often presents a problem, (most specifically a crime or a specific ill against a character or community) at the beginning and then offers clues that the reader  can put together in order to hypothesize about a resolution."
"For myself I like to read a mystery for a couple of reasons, one is that they usually involve clues that you have to put together like a puzzle. Another reason is that most good mysteries allow you to "get away" from the real world for a short time!"
 taken from
The unknown plays an important role in every mystery story. Who did it? What was that strange noise at night? Will the detective find the gun? Who (or what) has been pursuing our hero so relentlessly—and why?   
As you might guess, mystery writers know the answers to such questions before they begin writing. As they write, they drop clues to the reader.

An observant reader can sometimes figure out the mystery before finishing the story.
In fact, if the ending is a complete surprise, the writer has not done a good job! After finishing a mystery, the reader should be able to go back through the story and find clues that hinted at the solution.

Relentlessly: without stopping.

So as not to confuse these genres, have a look at this table. Mainly focus your attention in the Msytery boxes after you realise the difference among Mystery, Horror and Suspense.

Taken from:

Now read the following beginning of a mystery story.

Now think about how you would solve the mystery. Remember to give the reader a few hints along the way, so the ending isn’t a complete surprise.

Answer these questions before you actually write the rest of the story:

1. How did you probably  get to that island? Why do you think so?
2. Where did you meet Fred? 
3. Why were you with him ?
4. Why did he bonk you?
5. Which was your mom's idea about Power Rangers? 
6. What are you going to do there in the island?
 7.  Are you going to come back to your place?

Task 6

Work in small groups of 2-4, and  write a page with the rest of the story and give it an unexpected end.

When you are finished, make up a catchy title for your story.

Remember to share your work with your lab teacher. 

Due date:

*The crew members( Professor Maller´s): Next thursday up to 11 am. Secretary´s office (Box)
*Glorious section: ( Professor Benavides´s): Thursday 25th up to 12 noon. Secretary´s office.

Are you a mystery lover?

If so, visit the following link and enjoy reading mystery novels:

After watching this video answer this question:

How would you feel in this forest? 

Write it in the comments box at the end of this entry.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014


Dear students,

This week we'll review some concepts related to email and letter writing.

One of the key features studied in class was language register. The following video will probably freshen up your previous knowledge.

Formal v informal writing: What's the difference?


1. You can work in pairs or on your own.
2. Choose either 'Task A' or 'Task B.' You need to work only on the task you have chosen.
3. Create a Google Doc to do the task.
4. Once you have finished writing your task, share the file with another classmate/pair.
5. After you receive the file from another classmate, proofread it and make the necessary changes to finally share the file with your teacher (

Task A

Your boss left this post-it note on your desk while you were at lunch. follow the instructions she gave you.

Task B

You received this memo at work. You worked with Carol for many years before changing departments. Send her an email. 

Activity 2: Editing Letters

Answer the following questions:

Do you always check what you have written to look for mistakes?
Is the content of what you write just as important as not making mistakes?
Do you use a dictionary to check spelling?
Do you try to show what you write in English to someone else before you submit it?


Look at the advertisement and read the letter that somebody wrote in answer to it.