lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Time to squeeze your brain.

First, stop that run-on!

Let´s Revise

   run-on sentence is a sentence in which two or more 
independent  clauses (i.e., complete sentences) are joined without appropriate punctuation or conjunction.

  An example of a run-on is a 
comma splice, in which two independent clauses are joined with a comma without an accompanying coordinating conjunction

Ø    A run-on sentence, without any punctuation or conjunction between "gas" and "we":

                       My car is out of gas we cannot reach town before dark.

Ø  comma splice, which is considered a run-on sentence in English by some usage experts:

It is nearly half past five, we cannot reach town before dark.


 These are possible remedies:

  • Use separate sentences. However, this may disconnect related independent clauses and cause some of the meaning to be lost:
    • It is nearly half past five. We cannot reach town before  dark.  
  • Use a semicolon. This maintains the connection between the clauses while ensuring a pause between the two ideas:
    • It is nearly half past five; we cannot reach town before dark.
  • Use a coordinating conjunction.
    • It is nearly half past five, so we cannot reach town before dark.

Now try this quiz to see if you can  repair  the  run-on


Guess you must be hungry now, after doing exercise. How about some sushi?

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Halloween story

Trick or Treat...

Hello students!
In today's lab you will be free to express your most devilish thoughts to write a Halloween story.

But, before getting started,

What is 'Halloween'?

Do research into the word 'Halloween' and answer the following questions:
a) What is Halloween?
b) What does 'Halloween' mean?
c) What is the origin of the word 'Halloween'?
d) What are the most common activities on Halloween?
e) What is the 'treat-or-trick' activity?
f) Why is the 'treat-or-trick' activity well know worldwide?

You can try

Read, think, and discuss with your classmates:

Have you ever gone trick-or-treating?

Have you ever worn a Halloween costume?

What do you think about children playing trick-or-treating in Chile?

Activity 1

Read the ending below:
But that is not the worst. The worst is that sometimes I am  convinced she is still out there, and I will see her again: the little girl in the bunny costume,  Amelie. I cannot get rid of the idea that some Halloween night when  I look out past the little witches and princesses and firemen on our porch, she will  be there too: standing halfway down the path in her  greyish-black raincoat under a pale old umbrella, waiting for me.


Activity 2

Based on the given ending and the pictures, brainstorm ideas ( write them down)for :

  • Setting
  • Characters
  • Plot --> Go over the chart below to help you

Do not change the given ending!

Task 9

Using all your notes taken previously, write  the story together with 2 or 3 other classmates. 

You are going to have two sessions for this, but you must work during the Lab, and remember we are here to help you. So, we´ll be glad to read your draft .

- Write this horror story following the next structure:

  • Beginning of your story: 1 paragraph
  • Raising action and conflict: 1 paragraph
  • Climax: 1 paragraph
  • Falling action: 1 paragraph
  • End: 1 paragraph Already written. Just add it to make the story look complete.

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Writing Summaries and Opinion paragraphs.

Writing Summaries and Opinion Paragraphs

Dear students,

Today we will keep working on summaries and opinion paragraphs to sharpen  your writing skills.
 You are going to work with some of your classmates to write a summary and an  opinion essay. The idea is to reinforce these contents.



  • is a  condensed version of a larger reading or listening.
  • must be concise.
  •  uses your own words  expressed briefly 
  • : Answers to:Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?  

Taken from:

With all these fresh ideas on your mind, have a look at the 
following video about Ray Bradbury and write down a 
summary of his life.

Activity 1

Ray Bradbury's life: Write down a page summary. Group work: 3-4 people- 8 points. 

Due dates:

The crew: Next Monday, October 13th. , anytime until 2:30 pm. Printed version.

Glorious section: Monday, October 13th anytime until 5.00 pm. Printed version.


Now have a look at the following picture and read the thought it contains.

Activity 2

Now, please answer the following questions in your notebook today
         Personal   work: 4 points.

  • 1.What do you think about what Osho declares?
  • 2.Do you agree or disagree with him?
  • 3.What are your main reasons of why you agree or disagree with him?
  • 4.What would be your final thought regarding this topic?

Activity 3 :Project

There are many topics that are controversial in our world ; among them the 
use of robots in different fields.

Do a Webquest  about this interesting topic; you may check the following link:

 A Web Quest is "an inquiry-oriented activity in 
which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet

WebQuests are based on constructivist learning theory  and have been a part of project-based learning and teaching in mainstream education for some time, but they also have a multitude of applications in ESL/EFL, both in ESL/EFL classes that are focused on content/or theme-based learning and in teacher training

 Then, follow the next steps to write your opinion essay about ROBOTS.

You'll find  some useful expressions to write your paragraphs at the end of this entry.
  1. Read the article, suggest a catchy title and  think about what your opinion is.
  2. Brainstorm: think about what you want to say and write down all your ideas.
  3. Choose the most interesting or relevant ideas to support your opinion.
  4. Organize the ideas into paragraphs and put the paragraphs in order: 
    • Opening paragraph: state the topic and give your opinion. Introduce 3 ideas that support your opinion.

    • Body paragraphs (3 paragraphs): each paragraph develops one idea that supports your opinion.

    • Conclusion paragraph: summarize your opinion and give a final recommendation.

  5. Write draft.
  6. Edit your draft: check spelling, grammar and punctuation.
  7. Have your draft edited by the whole group.
  8. Share your final composition with your teacher. 

Due dates:

The crew: next Monday ( October 13th), anytime till 4:00 pm.
Glorious section: October 13th

Useful expressions you can use in your text to…

Introduce your opinion:
In my opinion…                                                     
I(personally) think/I believe/                               
I feel/I don’t feel that…                                         
In my view/ In my point of view ….                     
As I see it…                                                            
As far as I’m concerned …                                    
It’s clear to me that…                                           
I agree/I don’t agree that…

Sequence ideas:
To begin with…                                                      
The first point is…                                                
First of all …/First/Firstly,...                               
Secondly/ Thirdly…                                               

Add information

Furthermore,  …                                                    
Moreover,  ….                                                         
In addition, …                                                        
Besides, …                                                              
What is more, …                                                    
As well as…                                                            
Apart from (that)… 

Give a reason

Due to(+noun)/Due to the fact that(+sentence)     
Owing to(+noun)/Owing to the fact that(+sentence)   
Because of………(+noun e.g.: the rain)               
Since…/As……(+sentence e.g.: he is the boss)  
That’s why ...                                                          
For this/that reason                                                          

Express a consequence

As a result of…                                                      
This means that…                                                             

Introduce the conclusion

In short…                                                                
In brief…                                                                 
In summary…                                                        
To sum up                                                                           
In conclusion…                                                      
To conclude…   

So, to sum up we can say that this task ( Task 8),consists of 
three elements to be considered:

- Summary: 8 points
-Opinions: 4 points
-Project:   15 points.                                            

Now, just enjoy the following the following song. The story of my life with One Direction.